The musical “Kinky Boots” completes third week in Tokyo

The musical Kinky Boots has completed its third week of performances at Tokyu Theatre Orb in…

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The musical “Kinky Boots” completes second week in Tokyo

The musical Kinky Boots has completed its second week of performances at Tokyo Theatre Orb in…

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Nami to appear at OFFICE SHIKA MUSICAL「私は怪獣-Neon Kids Live beat-」

Based on the social problem of Toyoko Kids in Kabukicho, the Tokyo Red Light District in…

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The musical “Kinky Boots” completes first week in Tokyo

The musical Kinky Boots has completed its first week of performances at Tokyo Theatre Orb in…

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The musical “Kinky Boots” kicks off in Tokyo

The Broadway Musical Kinky Boots has kicked off at Tokyu Theatre Orb in Tokyo this weekend!…

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Nami to perfom in ‘ULTRAMAN MUSIC LIVE’ at “Ultra Heroes EXPO 2023”

Ultra Heroes EXPO 2023 New Year Festival IN Tokyo Dome City will be held at Tokyo…

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